RARE DESTINATION: 1c. Wrapper + additional postage of 5c. (several stamps of ½ and 1c. of the Seated Liberty issue) sent from Buenos Aires to Bolivia on 12/AU/1900, very fine quality!
Auction # 2320 ARGENTINA: Special late May auction
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2320 ARGENTINA: Special late May auction
Notable selection of good material: stamps, covers, varieties, proofs, etc. of all periods, including a number of pieces that have not been available for decades, all of excellent quality and with very attractive starts, with a wide offer for all types of budgets, plenty of interesting items to Be found!
Sale Terms
Refine Your Search
Lot #202 - Argentina postal history
17/MAR/1901 CORONEL SUAREZ - Germany, on stationery letter with New Year greetings and view inside of "Plaza Constitución", GJ.SZC-13-06-V + 1c. Seated Liberty, on back it bears transit marks of Buenos Aires and arrival of Willingen 14/AP. It received a due mark by mistake which was crossed out, excellent quality!
Lot #203 - Argentina postal history
PRIVATE CANCEL: Postcard sent from Exaltación de la Cruz to Bolivia franked with 4c. (2x 2c. Seated Liberty) with private cancel of the sender, interesting!
Lot #204 - Argentina postal history
RARE CANCEL: Cover franked with 5c. with cancel of ITATÍ, on back Corrientes arrival 24/NO/1902, with some small defects, rare and very nice!
Lot #205 - Argentina postal history
Beautifu postcard with view of the FRIGATE SARMIENTO at sea, sent from Buenos Aires to England on 25/AU/1903 franked with 6c., VF!
Lot #206 - Argentina postal history
Very nice postcard (view of ARAUCANA SINGLE WOMAN!), sent to Montevideo on 6/AP/1904 franked with 6c. (pair of 3c. Seated Liberty) with attractive cancel of LA PLATA in blue, very unusual, excellent quality!
Lot #207 - Argentina postal history
Cover sent to Corrientes in NO/1904 with attractive 15c. postage (Seated Liberty 1c. strip of 3 + 2c. strip of 6), arrival backstamp, VF!
Lot #208 - Argentina postal history
RARE DESTINATION: Postcard sent from Buenos Aires to Bolivia (very uncommon destination despite being neighboring countries!) on 21/NO/1904, franked with 6c. (pair of 3c. Seated Liberty), excellent!
Lot #209 - Argentina postal history
Postcard used in Buenos Aires on 23/SE/1905 franked with 5c. and cancel of "ESTAF. AMB. Nº2 - F.C.S.", excellent quality. It is very rare to find a piece used within a city dispatched from a traveling PO!
Lot #210 - Argentina postal history
Registered cover sent to Corrientes on 21/NO/1906 franked with 17c., with the rare datestamp of ALVEAR (Ctes.), arrival backstamp, small opening defect else very fine!
Lot #211 - Argentina postal history
RARE CANCEL: Cover sent from Buenos Aires to San Luis (Corrientes) on 27/MAR/1907 franked with 5c. Seated Liberty, on back transit mark of Corrientes 31/MAR and SAN LUIS arrival for 3/AP, rare!
Lot #212 - Argentina postal history
RARE CANCEL: Cover sent to Corrientes on 10/MAR/1908 franked with 5c. Seated Liberty, with cancel of "ESTACIÓN J. CÁRCANO", arrival backstamp, rare!
Lot #213 - Argentina postal history
1/JUN/1925 MALARGÜE (Mendoza) - Buenos Aires, cover with declared value of $600, with attractive postage of 6,35P. (including a 5P. + pair of 20c. printed on RIBBED PAPER + other values), some of the stamps were cancelled in origin (large blue datestamp) and others on arrival on 5/JUN, spectacular!
Lot #214 - Argentina postal history
21/DE/1940 Buenos Aires - New York, cover carried on the first trip of steamer Deltargentino, with special handstamp, good franking (Moreno 5c. with gutter), and on back arrival mark of New Orleans, VF!
Lot #215 - Argentina POSTAL HISTORY - AIRMAIL
21/MAR/1929 Buenos Aires - Asunción del Paraguay, first flight of the weekly service of Aeroposta Argentina S.A., registered postcard, with arrival mark 22/MAR, very nice, low start!
Lot #216 - Argentina POSTAL HISTORY - AIRMAIL
20/JUN/1931 Comodoro Rivadavia - Buenos Aires, airmail cover carried by Aeroposta Argentina S.A. franked with 25c. only, arrival backstamp of 22/JUN, very fine quality!
Lot #217 - Argentina POSTAL HISTORY - AIRMAIL
3 Airmail covers sent from Buenos Aires to England in 1932/3 franked with 3.15P, 2.64P. and 1.20P, nice lot!
Lot #218 - Argentina POSTAL HISTORY - AIRMAIL
24 Airmail covers sent to Brazil, Uruguay etc. between 1939 and 1940, there are attractive postage combinations and varied rates, very fine general quality! ATTENTION: please view ALL the photos of the lot, because all the covers have been scanned (both sides)
Lot #219 - Argentina POSTAL HISTORY - AIRMAIL
3 Registered airmail covers sent to Denmark between August and September 1939, 2 by Cóndor franked with 1.65P. and another one by PANAGRA (1.90P rate), the latter with transit marks of Cristobal and New York, interesting lot!
Lot #220 - Argentina POSTAL HISTORY - AIRMAIL
3/SE/1929 Buenos Aires - Villa Alemana, registered postcard "by airmail", prepared to be carried on the first flight of the regular service of Aeropostale to Santiago de Chile with postmark of the same day, but with arrival mark of Valparíso for 11/SEP and of Villa Alemana for the following day, possibly flown on the second flight, a week later. Very fine quality, interesting!
Lot #221 - Argentina POSTAL HISTORY - AIRMAIL
COMMEMORATIVE MARK: "1930 - 12 de Mayo - 1940 / 10º Aniversario del Primer cruce aéreo del Atlántico Sur - AIR FRANCE" (10th Anniversary of the first crossing of the South Atlantic) applied on back of an airmail cover sent from Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro on 11/MAY/1930, arrival backstamp of 12/MAY, VF!
Lot #222 - Argentina POSTAL HISTORY - AIRMAIL
24 Airmail covers sent to Italy between 1946 and 1948 by "B.S.A.A.", with varied postage combinations, attractive lot! ATTENTION: please view ALL the photos of the lot, because all the covers have been scanned (both sides)
Lot #223 - Argentina POSTAL HISTORY - AIRMAIL
15 Airmail covers sent to Italy in 1948 by "ALITALIA", nice postage combinations, very fine general quality! ATTENTION: please view ALL the photos of the lot, because all the covers have been scanned (both sides)
Lot #224 - Argentina POSTAL HISTORY - AIRMAIL
10/MAY/1963 Buenos Aires - Formosa, first flight of Aerolíneas Argentinas, signed by the pilot, arrival backstamp, VF quality, rare!
Lot #225 - Argentina POSTAL HISTORY - AIRMAIL
7/JUL/1965 Buenos Aires - Lima (Peru), first flight of Aerolíneas Argentinas, signed by the pilot, arrival backstamp, VF quality, rare!