
lot # 40212 - Military Mail - WWII Palestine & Jewish Brigade

Wednesday May 17, 2017 22:00 Asia/Jerusalem
Last date for bids: 
May 17, 22:00 IDT

Propaganda leaflet in support of Oct. 1943 "struggle for the flag and the symbol", waged by members of revisionist-Zionist Beitar movement serving in Palestine Regiment: striking soldiers refused to wear the Regiment's "Palestine" emblem, which did not incorporate the Star of David or any Jewish theme; 69 were court-martialled & sentenced to 2 months hard labor. Leaflet calls on other Jewish-Palestinian soldiers to follow suit, to promote est. of "Jewish Army". Two filing holes, vert. fold.
Feldpost - WWII Palästina & Jüdische Brigade
דואר צבאי - פלשטינה והבריגדה במלחה"ע ה-2