newspapers - Coin Auctions

Lot 413 - ephemera newspapers -  Archives International Auctions Auction #XXXII, Sessions 1, 2 and 3

Lot 413 - ephemera newspapers - Archives International Auctions Auction #XXXII, Sessions 1, 2 and 3

Daily Picayune. May 15, 1847. Louisiana. 4-pages, water stained, light mildew at bottom left. Map of the battlefield of the Sacrament and dispatches from Col. Doniphan in Chihuahua. Folded.

Archives International Auctions Auction #XXXII, Sessions 1, 2 and 3

ephemera newspapers
Lot 24 - ephemera newspapers -  Archives International Auctions Wall Street Auction #XXI, Session 1

Lot 24 - ephemera newspapers - Archives International Auctions Wall Street Auction #XXI, Session 1

Missouri Gazette, Tuesday, July 26, 1808, St. Louis, Louisiana, Volume 1, No.3. Meriwether Lewis, explorer turned governor of this new American territory, believed its citizens needed a newspaper and the Missouri Gazette was born. This is a rare copy of Volume 1 Issue Number 3 of Tuesday, July 26, 1808…Printed by Joseph Charless, Printer to the Territory of St. Louis, Louisiana. According to a recent article written by Tim O’Neil of the St. Louis Post- Gazette, no original issue of the first edition exists leaving us only subsequent issues such as this one featured. Local news consisted largely of public notices, Auctions etc. This particular issue discusses “Patriotic Effusions”. “The Anniversary of American Independence has been celebrated by…an Oration from Thomas Todd, Esq. and an Ode from Shadrack Bond, jun. Esq. Toasts were drank; the utmost hilarity and urbanity, as well as harmony and order prevailed. ” General ads were… “One week for one dollar, and Fifty cents for every continuance, those of a greater length in proportion”. Charless, had the market to himself until 1815, when the Western Journal hit the streets. He sold the Gazette four years later. It was renamed the Missouri Republic and, in variations on that name, survived until 1919. A wonderful look back into our colorful and historical past, numerous splits, fraying on the edges as well as internal pages archivally backed and taped.

Archives International Auctions Wall Street Auction #XXI, Session 1

ephemera newspapers
Lot 25 - ephemera newspapers -  Archives International Auctions Wall Street Auction #XXI, Session 1

Lot 25 - ephemera newspapers - Archives International Auctions Wall Street Auction #XXI, Session 1

The New England Courant, No. 80, 1723 (Reprinted in 1856) Facsimile of First Paper Printed by Benjamin Franklin. Boston Massachusetts, 1856, Single sheet, printed on both recto and verso, measuring circa 8 1/2 by 12 1/4 inches. "Facsimile of the first Paper ever issued by Franklin and now printed (Sept. 17, 1856) on a press once used by him". 2 pages printed on light beige paper, Franklin discusses the reasons and purpose for the paper and what the paper will report on. Though it is a reprint, it is from Franklins original printing press from 1723 and a copy of his first historic news paper that he released for the public. Discusses news from England, a speech by the King discussing a foreign conspiracy (in Europe) and also a few small advertisements. Interesting, historic and rare even as a reprint. VF condition.

Archives International Auctions Wall Street Auction #XXI, Session 1

ephemera newspapers