Prize Medals - Coin Auctions
Lot 0174a - Medals & Tokens Prize Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleLibya: Zionist-religious education prize(?) medal, circa. 1932-1939; cast bronze(?); size: 29.5mm; weight: 11g. Obv.: Star of David w/ "Zion" in center; leg.: "HaHistadrut HaZionit BeTripolitania Makhleket HaKhinukh # 'Ben Yehuda'" ['The Zionist Federation in Tripolitania, Department of Education # 'Ben Yehuda'']. Rev.: Commandment Tablets; leg.: "Tkhiyat Safa Tkhyat Am" ['Revival of Language Revival of Nation']. BY was a local youth movement promoting awareness of Hebrew; it founded the "HaTikva" school system and was selected to run it. Annual song-writing competitions were held and this may have been a prize medal. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Prize Medals |
Lot 0180a - Medals & Tokens Prize Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleUS: Sidney Licht MD 'American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine' medal, 1968; by Medallic Art Co., designed by Paul Manship, 1886-1966; Forrer listed v8 p. 22-24; size: 76mm; weight: 235.75g. Obv.: left-facing Licht, his name & title below.Rev.: artistic dedication to Licht around Staff of Asclepius. Licht (1907- 1979) was a Jewish physician credited with founding the International Rehabilitation Medicine Association, in 1968. Since 1979, the ACRM presents an annual "Elizabeth and Sidney Licht Award" to recognize excellence in scientific writing in rehabilitation medicine. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Prize Medals |
Lot 0175a - Medals & Tokens Prize Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleNetherlands: Court Commission of the Dutch Jews / Medal for the Improvement of the Social Condition of the Jews, 1827, by Johann Peter Schouberg; bronze strike; size: 58.5mm; weight: 83.4g. Obv.: 'anchor of hope & Tablets of Moses' below rays of sun; leg. "According to his Majesty's decision of 17 October 1827. Number 184". Rev.: circular leg. "Awarded by the Main Committee to the Affairs of the Israelites". This was a prize medal awarded by the High Commission of Jewish Affairs for discourse presented in Dutch. Ref: "De Curaçaosche Courant", 13/12/1828; Polak-21; Forrer v4 p.361 & v5 p.400-401; Jewish Encyclopedia. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Prize Medals |
Lot 0170a - Medals & Tokens Prize Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleBelgium: Academie de Malines [Mechelen] 1st prize silver medal to H. Van Den Bergh, 1859-60; Rev. by Joseph-Pierre Braemt; size: 37.75mm; weight: 23.7g. Obv. laurels; engraved Fr. leg. "Academie of Malines Superior Level Architect 1st Prize, Competition 1859-60". Rev.: left facing King; leg. "Leopold Premier # Roi Des Belges". Medallion made from 2 planchets (rim seam). Receipient may be Henriëtte Issabelle Joanna van den Bergh (1838-1920; Jewish?) of Antwerp: daughter of Jan (Jean-Felix), gin-distiller & married to Emil Mayer, of Cologne; son Fritz Mayer (1858- 1901) was art collector & she est. "Museum Mayer van den Bergh" for him. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Prize Medals |
Lot 0181a - Medals & Tokens Prize Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleUS: Stephen Rothman Memorial Award bronze prize medal; by Medallic Art Co., designed by Bruce Moore (1906- 1980); size: 63.5mm; weight: 119.75g. Obv.: left-facing Rothman w/ name above, "MD" on left & years of birth/ death on right; 3-line homage below. Rev.: owl & snake w/ 2-ringed legend. The Society for Investigative Dermatology instituted the annual SR Award & SR Medal in 1967 "for distinguished service to investigative cutaneous medicine". Rothman (1894- 1963) was a Jewish Hungarian dermatologist who transformed investigative dermatology into a scientific discipline. Moore's medals are highly valued in the market. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Prize Medals |
Lot 0176a - Medals & Tokens Prize Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SalePalestine: bronze participation medallion for the "United Services Athletic Meeting 1942" in Tel Aviv; size: 32.5mm; weight: 13.25g. Obv. & rev. maker-marked "SK" - Shmuel Kretschmer (the leading maker of pins and metal emblems in Palestine and early Israel); marked in Hebrew "Yerushalem" / English "Palestine" on back. The athletic meeting was an all-British event on 2 May 1942 (a Saturday) at the Macabbiah Stadium in Tel Aviv. It included various athletic competitions, and prizes were awarded by the wife of General Douglas McConnel, the commander ("General Officer Commanding") of British troops in Palestine. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Prize Medals |
Lot 0171a - Medals & Tokens Prize Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleBritain: 1st Place Scholar bronze medal awarded by the Jewish Free School to Emanuel Tacker, 1905; not maker-marked; size: 55.25mm; weight: 88.15g. The Jewish Free School (JFS) was founded in 1732 as the Talmud Torah of the Great Synagogue of London, serving orphans of the community; in the early 1800s it absorbed thousands of immigrant children and numbered at one point 4000 students, making it the largest school in the world. Today the JFS is Europe's largest and most successful Jewish secondary school. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Prize Medals |
Lot 0177a - Medals & Tokens Prize Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleUS: "Fred Kahan Award of Merit" of Bnai Zion org., numbered (15) silver plated bronze medal, ND (1980); by Metal Arts Co., obv. by Linda Harper Neiman & Hal Reed, rev. by Mel Wacks; size: 63.5mm; weight: 138.85g. Obv.: Kahan w/ leg. "Fred Kahan Award of Merit". Rev.: trisected circle w/ images of org's activities; emblem & name in Eng. + Heb. in center. BZ was founded in 1908 as the first explicitly Zionist fraternal order. Commissioned to honor Kahan (1910- 1987) on 1980 retirement as Western Director of BZ, after long public service. 100 medals struck: 30 for BZ, rest (numbered) offered by Magnes Museum to contributors. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Prize Medals |
Lot 0172a - Medals & Tokens Prize Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleFrance: Great International Food Competition award medal to Max Levi business, 1885; by Massonnet; gilt bronze(?); size: 57.5mm; weight: 70.7g. Obv.: French leg. "Grand Concours International Alimentaire # Paris 1885"; disc at center, engraved "Décernéé a Stuttgarter Liqueur-Fabrik Max Levi". Rev.: right-facing Greek-like figure, "Massonnet Ed" below. This is not the same Jewish Max Levi (1868-1925) of Stuttgart, who founded the Salamander shoe factory; present (Jewish?) business listed in Norddeutscher Lloyd's "Guide Through Germany et. al." 1896 ed.: Export-Manufacturers/ Spirituous liquors; Massonnet, Forrer v3 p.603. Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Prize Medals |
Lot 0178a - Medals & Tokens Prize Medals - Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleUS: Elkan R. Myers memorial award medal, ND; manufactured by the Medallic Art Company, designed by HCS (Hans Carl Schuler, 1912-1999; Forrer listed v8 p.196); size: 76mm; weight: 176.45g. Obv.: Myers + years of birth/ death; was a prominent member of the Baltimore Jewish community, chairman of United Jewish Appeal, a Fellow of Brandeis University, vice-president of the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, member of the Joint Distribution Commitee. Rev.: prepared legend for dedication: "Elkan R. Myers Memorial Award Presented to # # for Dedicated Leadership and Devotion to the Highest Ideals of Communal Service." Historama SIGNIFICANT JUDAICA Mailbid SaleMedals & Tokens Prize Medals |