Hutt River Province: 1973-87 specialised collection with commercial covers (35) to Victoria or Queensland, some routed via Canada with Canadian stamps attached, others via Western Australia. MNH Pic Commem sets (FV $150) with wide variety inc multiples & m/sheets. FDC (30), Banknote sets (3), plus folder of ephemera inc newspaper clippings, philatelic bulletins, newsletters, maps, leaflets & correspondence. The Sir John West K.I.O.M....
Stamps & Covers Public Auction 365
By: Status International
Status International Stamps & Covers Public Auction 365
Public Auction 365 is huge with 3436 lots catering for all types of collectors & dealers - from bulk accumulations and intact collections to desirable single items. This auction offers a huge range of material, with special emphasis on lotting stamps to cater for collectors with varying types of interests and budgets. There is over 1,100 lots of Australia which consist of collections, singles, sets and covers covering all periods, from the Kangaroo issues up to Decimal and contains numerous number of mint & used £1 & £2 top values in all watermarks. General Foreign including small and large collections and almost 2,200 lots of World stamps, covers and single country collections, highlights being in the British Empire sections and the Pacific including Papua and New Guinea. Also a great selection of China , European and The Americas rarities.
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Lot #177 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Intriguing sl disjointed collection to 1973 Gemstones in older style Seven Seas illustrated album in solid springback binder (new retail $80+) with Kangaroos (19) inc 3rd wmk to 2/- brown & CofA to 10/- bicolour w/c FU (retail $300). KGV to 1/4 inc 4½d Die II (retail $120) & OS opts to 4d olive. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS. 1934 Vic Cent & Macarthur sets. 1938 KGVI Robes to £1. 1946 BCOF opts to 2/- & 1949 Arms to £2. Pre-Dec...
Lot #178 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos: As new Lighthouse 64 black page s/book with 1st wmk ½d perf large OS CTO & small OS M. 2d M, CTO & U, plus perf large OS U. 2½dd M. 4d MLH & perf large OS U (cnr flt). 5d perf small OS U. 9d perf small OS CTO. 1/- U & inverted wmk CTO. 3rd wmk 2d inverted wmk U, perf OS (2 U), 6d blue U, 6d brown CTO, pr U, perf OS U. 9d (3 U) & Die IIB U. 1/- Die IIB perf OS MNH. 5/- U. 10/- perf OS CTO, £1 grey & £2 both...
Lot #179 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos 2nd wmk with 2d (21) inc perf OS (15), 2½d, 6d (6) inc perf OS, 1/- (14) with Telegraph Office GPO Brisbane pmk, & 2/- (2). Some mixed condition, generally G-FU. ACSC cat $3300. (44)
Estimate A$200
Lot #180 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos SM & CofA wmk collection with SM 6d (4) inc perf OS with variety 'white hairline from value circle to map' ACSC 22(3)g cat $75. 9d (10) inc part imprint blk of 4, 1/- (75) inc part imprint blk of 4, 2/- (4), CofA wmk 9d (19 inc one CTO) & part imprint blk of 4, 2/- Die II (21 inc 2 CTO), redrawn Die (6) ACSC cat $3000+, some mixed condition with many G-FU. A useful lot. (142)
Estimate A$250
Lot #181 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos SM & CofA wmk selection on hagners with SM wmk & 6d (18) inc perf OS (3). 9d (18 inc lower marginal strip of 4 & perf OS (4). 1/- (20) inc perf OS (6), 2/- maroon (12), plus perf OS. CofA wmk 6d M, FU, 9d (50), plus perf VG (3), 2/- Die II (39), perf VG (5), 2/- redrawn Die (18), 5/- some mixed condition but many F/VF ACSC value $3900. (199)
Estimate A$250
Lot #182 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos: 1913-36 collection on 1950s small size album leaves with ½d green (26) inc M (7) & U (19), sighted variety 'flaw on last A of Australia' (ACSC cat $50). 2d (13) inc perf Large OS. 2½d (28) inc 1st wmk blk of 4 (cat $160) & 2nd wmk (4, cat $180). 3d (50) with 1st wmk M ($250), wmk inv U ($225) & shades (9) & 3rd wmk (40) inc Die II, I horiz pr (cat $875). 4d orange (2) inc perf Large OS. 6d blue 1st wmk blk of 4 U ($...
Lot #183 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos: ½d- 5/- accumulation on 1950s loose leaf stocksheets with ½d green (34) inc 'ROSTAGE' varieties states II & III (ACSC cat $325), 3 other ACSC listed flaws ($150) & wmk inverted ($75), 3d olive CTO Dec 1913 (cat $50), 4d orange (7) inc perf large OS (2) & private perfins (ACSC cat $415), 5d chestnut (6) inc Large OS ($425). Other 1st wmk stamps inc 6d blue strip of 4 with Vic 'English Mail TPO' pmks ($150+) & 1/- (5...
Lot #184 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos ½d to 5/- accumulation (750+) with 2½d (18) inc perf OS/NSW, 3d olive (48) inc Official Perfins to OS/NSW, 4d (4) inc OS/NSW & OS perfins, 5d (3), inc perf OS/NSW, 6d blue (40), 1/- green (75), 2/- brown (11) inc 2nd wmk (2, cat $700. 5/- (5) inc SM wmk perf OS (cat $250). Plenty of the others to 2/- Maroon perf OS. Also 500 1d reds in 2nd s/book. Mixed condition throughout inc ragged perfs & heavy cancels. Assembled by non-...
Lot #185 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos: 1d Red accumulation on 1950s stocksheets with F-VF M (12, ACSC cat $240 as cheapest) in 2 prs. Then vast quantity G-FU inc Large/Small OS Perfins, multiples inc prs & strips, pmks inc QLD Numerals sighted 37 & 486, VIC Numerals inc 43, 54, 205, 207, 663 & M83, plus cds sighted throughout the mix. Also possible variety interest. Unchecked as received from vendor, who inherited them. G-F/VF U/M. (800+)
Estimate A$160...
Lot #186 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos: 1d Red variety collection with wmk inverted Die I shades (4), Die II (2) & Die IIA (2). Total ACSC cat $500. Die II partial reverse off-set FU (ACSC 3Ac cat $750) as M. Constant plate flaws (9, cat $640) inc 'kangaroo with cut throat', 'extra island' (2, Tasmania) & 1 flaw 'west of Tasmania'. Odd minor flt, G-F/VF U, total ACSC cat $1890. (18)
Estimate A$250
Lot #187 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos: Accumulation ½d to 2/- in 50+ hagners with ½d (90), 1d (460), 2d (160), 2½d (40) inc variety 'thick coastline to WA' (cat $125), 3d (90), 6d blue (60), 6d brown (110), 9d violet (160), 1/- green (180), 2/- brown (15, retail $600), 2/- maroon (400) inc pr with BCOF opt. Official/Private perfins to 2/-, plus possible pmk interest among the QLD cds. Unchecked by us for wmk or other varieties. Mixed poor-F/VF U, retail $9800+. (1660)....
Lot #188 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroo/KGV duplicated collection to mid 1930s in thick s/book with Kangaroos 1st wmk (68) inc 3d wmk INV, 4d (10) inc Large & Small OS, 5d (9) inc CTO, Large OS & Small OS (2), 6d (6) inc CTO & Small OS, 9d (3) inc CTO, Small OS & 1/- (6) inc Small OS. Listed cat/retail $1300. 2nd wmk (14) inc set to 1/-, plus 6d blue perf OS (2), 1/- deep dull green perf T (tiny cnr crease), most known examples have Tasmanian pmks (ACSC 31D...
Lot #189 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos/KGV extensive high cat val accumulation in well-filled 32pg s/book with Kangaroos (380) to £2 inc 2½d (10), 4d (6), 6d blue (20), 1/- sideways wmk M, 2/- brown (5), 5/- 2nd wmk perf OS, 5/- 3rd, 5/- CofA wmks, £1 grey Telegraph Puncture, £2 opt SPECIMEN, plus Officials inc opt OS 6d brown, perf G/NSW to 1/- green, perf OS/NSW to 2/- brown & perf OS to 2/- brown & maroon. KGV (1370) inc 1/4 SM wmk perf 14 & other 1/4 (7)...
Lot #190 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
KGV: 1914-36 M/MNH accumulation in 20 well-filled hagners with single wmk (220) inc ½d green (4), ½d orange (17), 1d green (26) inc 'damaged right frame' variety (V/30) in blk of 4 MNH (cat $150). 1d violet (14) inc 'neck flaw' (3, $180). 1½d black-brown (17), 1½d brown (15), 1½d green (20). 1½d red shades (60) pale-deep, plus Mullett imprint blks (2 diff) no gum, ACSC cat $950 as Mint & coarse mesh paper (7, $875). 2d brown (7), 2d...
Lot #191 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
KGV to 1/4 inc single wmk inverted ½d green strip of 3, middle stamp VFM (ACSC cat $200). The single wmk upright 1½d brown (3) inc perf OS pr (cat $350), 1½d green, red & black-brown. No wmk 1d green & 1½d red (6 of ea). SM wmk perf 14 1½d red pr & single SM wmk perf 13½x12½ 3d (2) inc perf OS ½d orange perf OS, 4d olive (2) & 1/4 turquoise (cat $875). Nearly all fresh MNH. Total ACSC cat $2500. (30) (P)
Estimate A$400...
Lot #192 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
KGV CofA wmk ½d & 5d Ash imprint blks of 4 (MLH/MNH), plus 4d plate 4 Ash imprint pr with 'line through King's neck' flaw MNH. Total ACSC cat $800. 2d red wmk inverted booklet pane of 6 MNH (guillotined perfs LR, cat $175) also wmk upright blk of 6, plus 3d blue & 4d olive blks of 4 MLH/MNH. 1½d red No wmk & SM wmk both perfs blks of 4 MNH. Total ACSC cat $1880. (10 blks & pr)
Estimate A$475
Lot #193 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
KGV 1913-36 collection in Lighthouse s/book with 1913 1d Engraved (3), 1914-24 single wmk 1d red (100) inc ACSC listed varieties, sighted wmk inv (4). Substituted cliche Die II rough & smooth papers. Thin G, Die II (4), right plate flaws (13), plus smooth/rough paper shades/colours. 4d lemon-yellow with Feb 1917 cds. 1d green plate flaws (4) inc 'wattle line retouched'. 1d violet 'neck flaw' & 'RA joined' varieties. 4d violet 'weeping...
Lot #194 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
KGV: 1d Green MNH varieties (25) with single wmk 'Ferns' & RA joined part imprint blks of 4 (ACSC cat $280). Then Neck flaw, 'Dot before 1' & RA joined (2 of ea, inc 4 prs, $400). SM wmk perf 14 'Neck flaw' (2, $500) & Dot before 1 (2, $150), plus Die II (2) inc Die I-II pr. All fresh MNH. Total ACSC cat $1480 as M, should be at least 150% premium $2200 MNH, plus single wmk, No wmk, LM wmk & SM wmk (both) MNH blks of 4 ($420...
Lot #195 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
KGV Blks of 4 (10) to 4½d with 1d green & 1½d red no wmk. 1½d red Die II (3) inc perf 14 'translucent paper' 1½d green single wmk, 2d brown Die II SM wmk. 2d red Die III CofA wmk. 4½d violet single wmk suntanned gum MLH/MNH & 4½d SM wmk perf 14 MNH. ACSC cat $1700. (40)
Estimate A$300
Lot #196 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
KGV MNH multiples (11) with ½d orange SM wmk perf 13½x12½ cnr blk of 4 & perf OS Ash imprint blk of 4 (upper 2 stamps VFM), 1d green LM wmk blk of 4, 1½d black-brown LM wmk blks of 4 MNH (2) inc thin paper (ACSC cat $500). 1½d brown perf OS (cat $700) & 1½d green (cat $120) both single wmk blks of 4. 1½d red SM wmk perf 14 blk of 6 perf OS (cat $450). Most with minor plate flaws, plus 1½d blks of 4 no wmk. Mostly fresh MNH. Total ACSC...
Lot #197 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
KGV semi-specialised collection in s/book & on leaves with ½d green (45) inc ACSC listed flaws. 1d Red (80+) inc Die II & Die III, ACSC listed flaws (8, cat $240), Private Perfins & smooth/rough paper shades inc rosine (ACSC 72I cat $150). 1d Green (90) mixed M/U inc SM wmk perf 14 'neck flaw' M (ACSC cat $250), 'ferns/RA joined' vert pr ($250) & others inc 'N-J joined' & 'secret mark'. 2d Brown (20) inc M pr. 3d Blue (60...
Lot #198 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
KGV: Single wmk ½d to 5d M/MNH accumulation on hagners with ½d apple to emerald green shades (14, cat $90), yellow (Cyprus) green (12, ACSC 63H cat $900). ½d Orange (17, $135) inc blk of 6. 1d Red shades (14) cat $140 as cheapest. 1d Violet (18, $180) inc blk of 6. 1d Green (25) inc blks of 4 (2) $300. 1½d red (60, $360) inc prs (4) & range of shades pale to deep. 1½d coarse mesh paper MNH/MLH pr (ACSC 89Aac, $350) & under-rated. 5d...
Lot #199 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
KGVI Collection 1937-52 Comp on Seven Seas hingeless pages inc 1937 KGVI 3d blue, Die I, Ia, II, II thin paper & III. Robes set to £1 both thick & thin papers, AIF set, Arms set to £2 & 2/6 (3, inc Emergency printing). All VF MNH. SG cat £1100. Retail $1460. (108) (P)
Estimate A$650
Lot #200 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kiloware: 1970s Pics/Commems to 2015 $1 Flowers. On-paper mix. Appears good variety unchecked as received from unknown Victorian sources. Weight 7.5kg. Also 500+ grams of cds pmks & other cancels 1992-2017 on large pieces. Total weight 8kg.
Estimate A$150
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More