Closed Auction

lot # 4004 - grossbritannien

Tuesday Nov 26, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

1852: 1 d. red, lettered AI, alphabet II, cut into right side, large margin below and part of BI, used on registered envelope with 1854 6 d. violet, embossed, just touching top, otherwise good margins all round which is unusual on this value, sent from Burton-on-Trent to Macclesfield, dated 15 November 1854, tied by a heavy single strike of the English '152' oval in black, with a green Burton-on-Trent datestamp alongside. To the reverse a Macclesfield arrival datestamp in green (6 November 1854). The 1 d. rate for up to ½ oz. and the 6 d. for the registration fee. A fine and rare cover.
Note: The 6 d. embossed issue coincided with the official issue of the 1 d. red perforated stamps. Mixed frankings with the imperforate 1 d. red are very rare. Only 5 examples recorded.
Reference: Great Britain Victorian Mixed Franking Covers, by Ray Simpson & Karl Louis, illustrated pg. 126 (fig.191).


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