Closed Auction

lot # 4718 - Brit. Honduras sammlungen

Tuesday Nov 26, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

1875/1951: Collection of mainly unused contained within a red Marini album, comprising specialised select items as well as a number of sets and specimen sets (18). Several scarcer or better items noted, with 1888 Provisional issue 2 c. on 1 d. rose unused variety "Surcharge Double" (Gi 27b) large part og. Complete set of nine values Edward VII 1904 definitives in fresh unused and large part og. condition (Gi 84a-93), 1917 War Tax 3 c. orange unused variety 'WAR' "Overprint Double" unused a scarce stamp there being just one pane of sixty printed. Additionally eight covers including bisected usages (3) and scarce 1891 6 c. on 10 c. on 4 d. mauve used on cover with 6 c. on 10 c. on 4 d. mauve (Gi 43a-44). Silver Jubilee set of four values in corner marginal blocks of four, two values with variety "Lightning Conductor" and one with "Extra Flag Pole". A very fine assembly but for minor or very few faults Gi = £ 9'635+.


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