GREAT BRITAIN: 1855/62, 1 d. red, tied by "51" in diamond with adjacent "LOMBARD STREET PAID" on entire letter 1859 endorsed "Via Trieste p. Austria Steamer" to Athens, Greece, prepaid with "1/2½", the 1 d. being late fee; an interesting letter
375rd Heinrich Köhler auction - Day 1
By: Heinrich Koehler Auktionen
Heinrich Koehler Auktionen 375rd Heinrich Köhler auction - Day 1
Viewing times of the 375th Heinrich Köhler auction and The ERIVAN Collection 4th. Auction
Heinrich Köhler Auktionshaus GmbH & Co. KG
Hasengartenstr. 25, 65189 Wiesbaden
Telefon +49 (0)611 34 14 9-0
E-Mail [email protected]
Auction Schedule
Monday, 16 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 1000-1724 |
Single Lots: Liechtenstein, Austria,
Switzerland, Europe and Colonies:
Aegean Islands – Italy, including
Special offer: Denmark – The 1851 act ·
The Gavin Fryer Collection
Special offer: Transatlantic Mail ·
The “Magellan” Collection
from 1:30 p.m. | Lot 1725-2428 |
Single Lots: Europe and Colonies:
Latvia – Ukraine, Great Britain and British
Commonwealth, Overseas countries,
Shipmail, Airmail, Zeppelin, Olympics,
Thematics and Literature, Coins, including
Special offer: Poland – Generals 1944 ·
Specialised Collection Postal History (Part I)
Special offer: Jean de Sperati –
The ultimate collection
Tuesday, 17 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 6001-6336 |
Special Catalogue: Latvia since 1918 ·
The Wolfgang Watzke Collection
from 12:00 p.m. | Lot 2429-3446 |
Single Lots: German Empire 1872 – 1945,
German post offices abroad and colonies,
German Occupation WWI, German
Areas and Plebiscites, Saar, Danzig, Memel,
German Occupation WWII, including the
“Montparnasse” Collection
Wednesday, 18 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 3447-4217 |
Single Lots: Germany after 1945: Local
issues, Allied Forces issues, Soviet Occupation
Zone, German Democratic Republic,
Berlin, Bizone, Federal Republik of Germany,
including the “Montparnasse” Collection
from 2:30 p.m. | Lot 10001-10463 |
Collections: Europe: Aegean Islands –
Vatikan, including Great Britain and
British Commonwealth
Thursday, 19 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 10464-10888 |
Collections: Overseas countries,
General collections All World / Europe /
Overseas, Airmail and Zeppelin, Thematic
collections, Picture Postcards, Coins,
Literature, German States
from 1:30 p.m. | Lot 10889-11526 |
Collections: German Empire, German
post offices abroad and Colonies,
German Occupation WWI, German
Areas and Plebiscites, Danzig, Memel,
German Occupation WWII,
General collections Germany,
Germany after 1945
Friday, 20 November 2020 | from 09:00 a.m. | Lot 4218-4560 |
Single Lots: German States Baden –
Württemberg, North German
Confederation, including the
“Montparnasse” Collection, including
Special offer: German “Fahrpost”
Agencies in the Netherlands 1839–1874 ·
The Dr. Albert Louis Collection
Special offer: North German postal
district – The “Albatros” Collection
from 11:00 a.m. | Lot 7001-7266 |
Special Catalogue: Bavaria 1849–1920 ·
The Werner Knüttel Collection (Part I)
from 1:30 p.m. | Lot 8001-8393 |
Special Catalogue: Départements
Conquis, Prussia, Saxony, Thurn&Taxis ·
The Dr. Josef Altmann Collection
from 5:00 p.m. | Lot 9001-9232 |
Special Catalogue: Slesvig: From
Danish Duchy to Plebiscite 1920 ·
The Christopher King Collection (Part I)
Saturday, 21 November 2020 | from 11:00 a.m. | Lot 1-265 |
German States · German Empire –
The ERIVAN Collection – 4th Auction
Auction Venue
The auction takes place at our premises in Hasengartenstr. 25, Wiesbaden, Germany.
Sale Terms
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Lot #1426 - europa Greece
1867/80, 9 d. bistre, tied by London duplex to entire letter with adjacent boxed "L1" to Syros, Greece
Lot #1427 - europa Greece
GREAT BRITAIN: 1867/80, 10 d. pale-red/brown, tied by barred oval "49" to entire letter via France to Athens, Greece, fine single franking
Lot #1428 - europa Greece
HOLY LAND: 1884, "FRANCO" in blue on cover with adjacent "JERUSALEM GERUSALEMME 24 1 84" on cover to Athens, franked with Austrian Levante 1867, 10 s. blue, tied by cds. "SPED. POST PRESSO LLOYD SMYRNE 4/2 84"; on reverse transit and arrival marks, cover with small tear at top, otherwise very fine, also somewhat damaged letter from the same correspondence with 1883, 20 s. grey, tied by same cds.
Lot #1429 - europa Greece
JAPAN: 1883, UPU-Koban 5 s. blue in vertical pair (lower right corner missing) with 1888, 10 s. brown, tied by cds. "TOKIO * JAPAN * 3 DEC 1889" to reverse of small registered envelope with frontside red "R" and adjacent violet "REGISTERED YOKOHAMA 10 DEC 1889" to Germany and re-directed to Athens with arrival marks, very unusual
Lot #1430 - europa Greece
NDP: 1869, 1 gr. red and 2 gr. blue in horizontal pair, tied by cds. "BERLIN P.E. 27 5 9 71" to lettersheet to Syra with transit and arrival marks, very slightly unfresh, very scarce
Lot #1431 - europa Greece
NETHERLANDS: 1842, Folded letter (one page missing) from Amsterdam 4.6 (blue), via Prussia with blue "Franco Coblentz" to Egion via Patras 9.6.1842, with entry marking "Ellas dia Patron" (Greece by Patras) black; several accountings, rare origin and fine
Lot #1432 - europa Greece
1852/54, 2 entire letters from Amsterdam via Triest to Syra resp. Athens, the later one with slight ink erosion in the address
Lot #1433 - europa Greece
PAPAL STATES: 1859, Entire letter from Ancona to Athens, franked with 1852, 6 baj. and 7 baj., tied by grid with adjacent clear blue "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO Ancona", very fine
Lot #1434 - europa Greece
ROMANIA: "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO Ibraila", clear blue oval marking on entire letter to Syros
Lot #1435 - europa Greece
RUSSIA: 1897, Registered envelope from Vladivostok via Nagasaki, Yokohama, San Francisco and New York to Constantinople and re-directed to Saloniki with severeal transit and arrival marks on reverse, fine
Lot #1436 - europa Greece
SWEDEN: 1858, Small envelope with cds. "STOCKHOLM 12/8 1851" with adjacent boxed "Aus Schweden" via Stralsund and Triest to Athens, very unusual
Lot #1437 - europa Greece
TURKEY: 1876, 50 pa. blue/yellow, tied by oval handstamp to lettersheet with adjacent "CONSTANTINOPLE 28 JUIN 1878" to Syros, also another lettersheet with same franking from Constantinople to Syros with stamp tied by cds. (stamp with scissor cuts)
Lot #1438 - europa Greece
UNITED STATES: 1852, Cover with original contents from "NEW YORK MAR 27" to a forwarding address in Paris and re-directed to Athens, Greece. The letter was endorsed "... via Southampton", transported with ocean line steamer 'Washington', departing New York March 27 and put into Milford Haven on April 14 short of coal. It is presumed that French mails were put off here, the letter charged "16" decimes in France and re-directed to Athens by...
Lot #1439 - europa Greece
1875/77, unpaid cover from Catania 31.3.75 via Brindisi & Corfu to Patras with "65" in blue crayon, paid by 1875, 5l. and 60 l. postage due stamps, tied by dotted "9" and entire folded letter from Brindisi 4.3.77 to Corfu with Italian "T" marking and Greek black "60" handstamp, paid with 60 l. postage due, tied by dotted "106" of Corfu; 5 l. affected by crease, still fine and interesting
Lot #1440 - europa Greece
1875/93, United Kingdom to Greece, three items with Greek postage dues: entire letter from "MANCHESTER 2 JU 75" to Patras with 1875, 20 l. and 90 l. (instead of "115" in blue crayon), front of an uprated wrapper with 2 copies 1875, 10 l., tied by Athens 4 May 1883 cds. and, underpaid opened out cover from London Ju.17.93 to Athens with 1876/90, 10 l. and 20 l.; 90 l. crease, otherwise fine
Lot #1441 - europa Greece
1876, Unpaid entire folded letter from Galatz 23.5.76 via Austrian Lloyd Agency Constantinople 26.5, Greek Post Office Constantinople 12.5.76 (new style calendar), Piraeus 17.5.76 and Athens 17.5.76 to Galaxidi, with circular "T" and Greek black handstamp "60", paid with 60 l. postage due, tiedby blue dotted "46", very unusual and very fine
Lot #1442 - europa Greece
1876, Unpaid cover from Galatz, Romania 28.5.76 via Bucarest 29.5.76 and Piraeus 24.5.76 (new style calendar) to Patras, with circular "T" and Greek black handstamp "60", paid with 60 lepta postage due, tied by dotted "9"; entire somewhat unfresh, very unusual
Lot #1443 - europa Greece
1877/82, 2 unpaid entires from Austrian Levant to Greece, the first an entire letter from Mytilini (Lesvos island) to Syros, entrusted to the captain of a Lloyd ship, posted from "SPED. POST. PRESSO LLOYD SMIRNE 17/12 77" with 1875, 60 lepta postage due stamp, tied by dotted "67" , the second a letter sheet without side flaps from Salonica to Athens with 1876/90 60 l. postage due stamp and small "T" marking, both unusual & very
Lot #1444 - europa Greece
1879, letter sheet sent unpaid from Malta (endorsed "per S.S. Castor") to Syros 20.8.79, with oily entry marking "Yperthalassia" (from the sea, very late use), blue manuscript tax "20" and 1875, 20 l. postage due stamp, tied by dotted "67", cover crease (not affecting stamp) backed, otherwise fine and very unusual
Lot #1445 - europa Greece
1879, 3 unpaid letters and one front to or from Greece with 60 l. (3) resp. 2x20 l. postage due stamps, interesting
Lot #1446 - europa Greece
1879, Unpaid envelope from Braila 28.10.79 via Austrian PO Constantinople 30.10.79 to Athens 22.10.79 (new style calendar) with circular "T" and red crayon "60", paid with 1876/90, 60 l. postage due stamp (small corner crease), tied by dotted "1" , very unusual and fine
Lot #1447 - europa Greece
1889/92, Germany to Greece, two underpaid postcards (franked with 5 pfg. resp. 5 pfg. postal stationery card) from Dresden resp. Stuttgart to Athens with 10 l. resp. 5 l. + 10 l. postage dues, one disinfected at Piraeus (two oblique slits); German stamp short perfs, otherwise fine and unusual
Lot #1448 - europa Greece
1891, Large unpaid official envelope with negative sender's seal "Vali-i Vilayet Yanya" (Governor of the Vilayet of Janina), from "JANINA TURQUIE 15.DECEMBRE 1891" via "AG. SARANDI 19.12.91" (cds., unrecorded) and Kerkyra 8.12.91 (Corfu, old style calendar) to the Ottoman Imperial Consulate in Patras, The envelope was taxed with 100 lepta, paid wit 20 l. + 40 l.(2) postage dues, tied by "KERKYRA 14 DECEMBER 91" and sent to Patras 16.12.91;...
Lot #1449 - europa Greece
1900, Unpaid cover from Leipzig 11.12.00 to an officer of the S.M.S "Charlotte" (via Marine-Postamts, Berlin), sent to the German Consulate in Corfu, with circular "T", taxed 50 lepta in blue crayon, franked upon arrival with 5 copies 1876/90, 10 l. postage due stamps, tied by Kerkyra 13.December cds.(Corfu, old style calendar), one stamp cover crease, otherwise very fine and unusual
Heinrich Koehler Auktionen
Since 1913 the name of Heinrich Koehler has stood for outstanding auctions in the philatelic world. Such a reputation cannot simply be acquired or assumed;... Read More