
Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 561 - Main catalogue french india

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022 09:00 Europe/Zurich

British P.O. 1867: India 6 a. 8 p. slate (Gi. 72), a used example on 1873 entire letter to Bordeaux endorsed "via Brindisi" tied by sender's chop in blue and "PONDICHERRY / 111" duplex in black (May 2). Carried by train from Madras to Bombay with 'Madras Frontier' TPO in black and thence on P&O steamer "Ceylon" to Aden with oval "Sea Post Office" datestamp on reverse; thence on the "Orissa" to Suez. Bordeaux arrival (May 23) on reverse of an attractive single franking.

Michel Catalogue 291: Europe & Overseas


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