
lot # 100 - brasilien sammlungen

Friday Nov 22, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

1901/41: Remainder accumulation of varied material, including two 1901 money order forms; four 1930 Brazilian Revolution censor mail covers; a group of seven stamp varieties in blocks of four, comprising used Scott 308a wmk. in echelon; an unused with gum unmounted Scott 356b surcharge inverted; unused Scott 365, 366 with gum, 369 and 370 all with imperf. between horizontal pairs in the block, not listed in Scott and an unused with gum unmounted top marginal Scott 502b with no wmk. a scarce variety (Scott $225 each); as well as three 1941 airmail registered flimsy wrappers (two used); a fine and interesting group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.


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