Lot 14967 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS Russia & Soviet Union - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Catalogues des Monnaises Russes, de Tous Les Princes, Tsars et Empereurs Depuis 980 jusqu'a 1899, by V Petrov, 1899, reprint Graz 1964. 86 pgs - 46 pgs line drawings, approx 210 x 290mm. In-depth coverage. Text in Russian & French but easy to use. Lists & details over 850 coins. Still a useful reference. Comes with an extra set of photocopy pgs for ease of use. Sl cnr wear o/w GC. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS Russia & Soviet Union |
Lot 14962 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS NUREMBERG - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Jetons, Medalets & Tokens, The Medieval Period and Nuremberg, Volume One. by Michael Mitchiner, pub Seaby 1988, 704 pgs. Huge book 210 x 300 x 50mm. Inc chapters on Artefacts of Roman Britain, Anglo-Saxon, Medieval Western Europe, Anglo-Gallic, Lombard Banks, medieval France, Low countries plus extensive coverage Jetons of Nuremberg right through to production of tog coins & medalets. Usual fantastic Mitchener work that provides history of period of the issues & the coins etc. A book any serious numismatist should own for the huge amount of knowledge contained within. VGC. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS NUREMBERG |
Lot 14968 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS scotland - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Coins of Scotland, Ireland & the Islands (Jersey, Guernsey, Man & Lundy) inc Anglo-Gallic coins. 2015 by Spink, 280pgs. Lists & values more than 1500 coins with colour photographs throughout. As new. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS scotland |
Lot 14963 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS Philippines - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389History & Mintage Philippine Counterstamped Coins 1828-1839 with original archival documents by Oropilla Fortich 2001, 193 pgs plus appendix with folding tables & documents. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS Philippines |
Lot 14969 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS scotland - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Catalogue of Scottish Coins in the National Museum of Antiquities Edinburgh by Adam B Richardson. 1977 reprint of the original 1901 work. 397 pages & 12 plates. Invaluable reference guide. New with price guide. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS scotland |
Lot 14964 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS Portugal - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Precario das Moedas Portuguesas de AD1140-AD1640, by Pedro Batalha Reis, Pub Lisbon, 1901 reprinted 1956. 59 pgs, 65 plates illustrating around 1000 coins. The listing includes coin legends, metal and most important rarity rating plus valuations which are historically interesting. Card cover with cple spots, GC. Still a valuable reference. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS Portugal |
Lot 14970 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS Sweden - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389The Sigtuna Coinage c995-1005 Commentationes De Nummis Saeculerum IX-XI in Suecia Repertis. Noval Series 4 by Brita Malmer. 120pg, 36 plates. 1989. Important 'Sylloge'. Distributed by Spink. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS Sweden |
Lot 14965 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS Russia & Soviet Union - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Russian & Soviet Coins 1700-1993 by I Ryloo & V Sobolin, Pub Moscow 1994, 298 pgs with 100s of illustrations. Inc numbers issued where known, valuations. Published in Russian with 10 pg introduction in English. Still useful reference. GC. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS Russia & Soviet Union |
Lot 14971 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS World - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389Monnaies IV, V, VIII, XIII-XV, XXII, XXIV, 29-32, 36-45, 46, 47, 61, issued 1998-2014 by Compagnie Generale de Bourse, Paris. Retail price lists mail auctions with over 10,000 pgs - estimate 50,000 coins full described & photoed in full colour - Greek Roman, Celtic, Feudal (predominantly) plus French through to modern. Wonderful references. All VG-Exc condition. Heavy. (25 books) Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS World |
Lot 14966 - BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS Russia & Soviet Union - Status International Status Coin - Sale 389The Copper Coinage of Imperial Russia 1700-1917 by B F Brekke,1977 296pgs illustrated throughout with pricelist. Status International Status Coin - Sale 389BOOKS & CATALOGUES: WORLD COINS & MEDALS Russia & Soviet Union |