Subastas Terminadas

Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 20575 - brit. colonies Australia

Monday Jun 05, 2023 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Third Watermark 1915/27: Kangaroo 2½ d. deep blue, Die II, Plate 2, third narrow Crown over A wmk., perf. 12, an unused block of eighteen (6 x 3) marginal on three sides (interpanneau at right) from the lower pane, of lovely fresh colour and centering, position 2L5 showing "White Scratch by Cape Leeuwin" and position 2L11 showing variety "Islands off Cape York", one or two hinge remnants, fifteen stamps unmounted og. BW 11(2)ef  = $ 1'800+.

Catalogue 307: Australia - The DUBOIS Collection Collection (part II)


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