10 Dollar Banknote Given by the Rebbe of Satmar
The banknote was given by the Rebbe of Satmar to a well-known, important rabbi (see next item, letters received by the aforementioned rabbi from the Gabai of the Rebbe).
Enclosed is a signed confirmation by the rabbi who received the banknote.
שטר 10 דולר שהעניק הרבי מסאטמר בידיו הקדושות
השטר התקבל בשנת תשל"ח מאת הרבי זיע"א, לרב חשוב ומפורסם (ראו בפריט הבא, מכתבים...
Auction 6 Special and rare items
JOSEPH MIZRACHY Auction 6 Special and rare items
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Lot #76 - books
Lot #77 - books
Document Signed by the Rebbe of Gur, Author of "Lev Simcha"
The Rebbe, Rabbi Simcha Bonem Alter of Gur was born in 1898. After the death of his brother, the "Beit Yisrael", he replaced him as the Rebbe of Gur, leading the Gur Hassidim until his death in 1992.
מסמך בחתימתו של האדמו"ר מגור בעל ה'לב שמחה'
האדמו"ר רבי שמחה בונים אלתר מגור נולד בשנת תרנ"ח. לאחר פטירת אחיו הבית ישראל ישב על כס האדמורו"ת והנהיג את עדת חסידות גור, עד...
Lot #78 - books
Two Early Fascinating Letters by the "Sabba" Rabbi Yisrael Dov Odesser – The Hospital of Safed, 1927
Two letters handwritten by the "Sabba" on the same day – Sabbath eve, the first day of Chol Ha'Moed Pesach, 1927.
During that time he lay sick in the "Hadassah" Hospital of Safed.
One of the letters is addressed to Rabbi Shmuel Horowitz an dthe other to Rabbi Ya'akov Ze'ev Cohen "Breslaver" Brezevsky.
Lot #79 - books
The "Tanya" which was Printed during the Lifetime of Its Author, the Alter Rebbe – Zholkva, 1789 – First Edition of 'Igeret Ha'Teshuvah' - Surprisingly Enthusiastic Approbation by the Camp of the 'Mitnagdim'!
Likutei Amaraim Tanya by the Alter Rebbe Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. Zholkva [1789]. Stefansky, Chassidut, no. 623.
On the title page of the book, it was printed: "Tanya which is the book Likutei Amarim … and we have...
Lot #80 - books
Levush Ateret Zahav – Bardichev, 1819 – the Copy of Rabbi Aryeh Leib Rivlin, the Leading Hassid of the Alter Rebbe, and of His Son, Rabbi Eliyahu Yosef Rivlin, a Leading Hassid of the Mitteler Rebbe and Head of the Chabad Community of the Land of Israel – Early Halachic Glosses
Levush Ateret Zahav. Bardichev, 1819. Printed by the well-known printing house of rabbi Yisrael Bak. Title page in red ink.
On the front Forsazt leaf...
Lot #81 - books
Likutei Be'urim – First Edition – Warsaw, [1868]
Sefer Likutei Be'urim. Commentary on Kuntras Ha'Hitpa'alut by the Rebbe Rabbi Dobver of Lubavitch by his disciple Rabbi Hillel of Parich. Warsaw, 1868. First edition. Rare.
Rabbi Hillel of Partich became a Chabad Hassid after being captured in the charms of the Tanya. The Tzemach Tzeddek respected him and used to send his selected disciples to him. He was a fertile author who...
Lot #82 - books
Compositions by the Rebbes of Chabad – First Editions – Warsaw, [1871]
Rare composition by the Chabad Rebbes, mainly the Alter Rebbe author of the 'Tanya'. The composition is made up of four sections:
Iyun Tefilah – Yiddish. 22pp. first edition.
Igeret Ha'Kodesh by the Alter Rebbe. First edition.
About praying on graves og Tzaddikim by the Alter Rebbe. Second edition. With a separate title page. 12pp....
Lot #83 - books
Chabad Hassidism – Important Letters
Six letters by the secretary of the Rebbe Rayatz, Rabbi Yechezkel feigin, to Rabbi Chanoch Handel Havlin, Otwock and Riga, 1938-1939. Among others, the letters refer to a letter by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Herzog in favor of the 'Torat Emet'. In two of the letters, he describes holidays with the Rebbe! Typewritten letters with his signature. On one of them, a handwritten addition. Two of the letters are...
Lot #84 - books
Rare! A 100 Dollar Banknote Handed Out by the Lubavitcher Rebbe
100 Dollar banknote given by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn to one of his Hassidim.
Condition: Excellent.
נדיר! שטר של 100 דולר שחילק הרבי מליובאוויטש בידיו הקדושות
שטר בסך 100 דולר, שהעניק כ"ק אדמו"ר רבי מנחם מנדל שניאורסון זיע"א מליובאויטש לאחד מחסידיו.
מצב נהדר.
Lot #85 - books
Two Banknotes of 1 Dollar Handed Out by the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Enclosed is a signed confirmation.
Condition: Fair-Good.
שני שטרות בסך 1 דולר שהעניק הרבי מליובאויטש בידיו הקדושות
מצורף אישור חתום.
מצב בינוני-טוב.
Lot #86 - books
1 Dollar Banknote Handed Out by the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Given on the 14th of Tamuz 1988.
Condition: Fair-Good.
שטר 1 דולר שניתן מידיו הקדושות של הרבי מליובאויטש זיע"א
ניתן בי"ד בתמוז תשמ"ח.
מצב בינוני-טוב.
Lot #87 - books
Extremely Rare! A Lira Banknote Handed Out by the Lubavitcher Rebbe – Has Never been Seen in Auctions
Condition: Good. Folding mark at its center.
נדיר מאוד! שטר לירה שהרבי מליובאוויטש חילק בידיו הקדושות – לא נראה במכירות מעולם!
מצב טוב. סימן קיפול באמצעו.
Lot #88 - books
5 Cent Coin Handed Out by the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Condition: Good.
מטבע 5 סנט שחילק הרבי מליובאויטש בידיו הקדושות
מצב טוב.
Lot #89 - books
10 Cent Coin Handed Out by the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Condition: Good.
מטבע 10 סנט שחילק הרבי מליובאויטש בידיו הקדושות
מצב טוב.
Lot #90 - books
25 Cent Coin Handed Out by the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Condition: Good.
מטבע 25 סנט שחילק הרבי מליובאויטש בידיו הקדושות
מצב טוב.
Lot #91 - books
Illustrated Certificates of Donation to Keren Ha'Torah – with (Printed) signatures of the 'Imrei Emet' and the Rebbe Rabbi Yisrael of Chortkiv – on the Amount of 1 Dollar and Half a Dollar
Published by the center of Keren Ha'Torah (Torah Fund) of Agudat Yisrael of Vienna. The 16th of Tishrei 1924.
On the certificates, the inscription "Keren Ha'Torah" appears whose aim is "to support our Torah institutions and improve their...
Lot #92 - books
Kovetz Agudat Yisrael – 1923 – a Review of the Movement's Activities since Its Establishment until Its Congress – Includes Letters by Prominent Rabbis and Fascinating Descriptions – Extremely Rare Historical Publication
Vienna, published by the bureau of the Center of Agudat Yisrael.
A survey of the movement since its establishment in 1912 until 1923.
The booklet contains passages from the sermon of Rabbi Meir...
Lot #93 - books
Agudat Yisrael during the Establishment of the State, the War of Independence and the First Years of the State
Collection of printed items that were printed by various branches of Agudat Yisrael, in Israel and abroad, during the time before the establishment of the State and its first years. Some of them refer to the underground organizations, the IDF and the new State. Rare, selected items.
Al Ta'alu Ba'Choma. Jerusalem,...
Lot #94 - books
The Earliest Letter of the Leader of the Mussar Movement, Rabbi Yitzchak Blazer – Wonderful Content about the Virtue of Moral Behavior – Written before His Immigration to the Land of Israel! – One of a Kind!
A rare, early letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Yitzchak Blazer.
Rareness: extremely rare. Most likely, one of its kind. Such an item has never been seen in auctions!
Until now, only a few letters signed...
Lot #95 - books
Letter Handwritten and Signed by the Rogatchover – Dvinsk, [1930]
The letter is from Sivan 1930.
Seven and a half lines and a signature "Yosef".
Rabbi Yosef Rosen, "The Genius the Rogatchover" was a Torah genius, a Chabad Hassid and author of the book "Tzofnat Pa'aneach".
When he visited the Rebbe the Tzemach Tzeddek, the Rebbe instructed him to study the Nazir tractate. Thus he understood that he had...
Lot #96 - books
Two Early Letters by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Ha'Levi Herzog, the Chief Rabbi of Ireland, Before His Immigration to the Land of Israel – 1926, 1933 – about the Rabbinate of England and Divrei Torah
Two important letters handwritten and signed by Rabbi Herzog, the Rabbi of Ireland,on his official stationery.
Rareness: Letters from such an early period, before Rabbi Herzog immigrated to the Land of Israel to serve as its Chief...
Lot #97 - books
Letter of Greeting Handwritten and Signed by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach
A letter of greeting handwritten and signed by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, about the important issue of Taharat Ha'Mishpacha (the purity of the family).
[1988]. Written on official stationery.
Condition: Good.
מכתב ברכה בכתב ידו ובחתימתו של מרן הגרש"ז אוירבך זצ"ל
מכתב ברכה בכתב ידו ובחתימתו של מרן פוסק הדור הגאון רבי שלמה זלמן...
Lot #98 - books
Three Letters Handwritten and Signed by Rabbi Steinman
The content of the letters: recommendations for young men who wanted to be accepted in yeshivas.
Condition: fair-Good. In one of the letters, part of the text has faded.
שלושה מכתבים ממרן הרב שטיינמן זצוק"ל, בכתב ידו ובחתימתו
תוכן המכתבים: המלצות על בחורים להתקבל לישיבות.
מצב בינוני-טוב. באחד המכתבים חלק מהטקסט דהוי.
Lot #99 - books
Letter by Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky about Using Electricity on Sabbath
An addition handwritten and signed by Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky on a photocopy of a letter by Rabbi Azriel Auerbach.
The content of the letter: "About observing the holiness of the Sabbath when using electricity on Sabbath, since unfortunately the system producing electricity is operated on Sabbath and God fearing people who fear the holiness of observing the...
Lot #100 - books
Collection of Dozens of Letters by Rabbis and Tzaddikim
More than 60 letters of rabbis in Israel and abroad.
Some of the letters are of interesting and important content.
among others, there are letters handwritten by Rabbi Raphael ha'Cohen Kook (4); Rabbi Asher Ze'ev Warner (6); Rabbi Ze'ev Gold; the Rebbe of Shtefanesht, Rabbi David Mordechai Heshil; early letters (2) by Rabbi Mordechai Luria author of 'Zion Be'...